I intend to interview you in relation to (name of offence eg. murder). But before continuing I must inform you that you are not obliged to say or do anything, but anything you say or do may be recorded and given in evidence. Do you understand that?我要对你进行与_____________(罪名(比如谋杀罪))有关的讯问。但是在我们开始之前我必须告诉你,你没有义务说任何话或做任何事;但是你所说的话或做的事都可能记录下来并作为证据。你明白吗?
I must also inform you of the following rights:我还必须告诉你,你有以下权利:
You may communicate with or attempt to communicate with a friend or relative to inform that person of your whereabouts;你可以与朋友或者亲戚联系或者试图联系,告诉他们你在哪里;
You may communicate with or attempt to communicate with a legal practitioner;你可以与律师联系或者试图联系;
If you are not an Australian citizen or not a permanent resident of Australia, you may communicate with or attempt to communicate with the consular office of the country of with you are citizen.如果你不是澳大利亚公民或者不是澳大利亚永久居民,你可以与你所属国家的使领馆人员联系或者试图联系。
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander decent?你是否是澳大利亚土著居民或托雷斯海峡岛民的后代?
Do you understand these rights?你是否明白这些权利?
Do you want to exercise any of these rights before the interview starts?在讯问开始前,你是否要行使上述任何权利?