Most common tools used for breaking and entering 用于破门而入的最常用工具Reference: Vits LanguageLink Title of Source:Glossary of legal terms

Bolt-cutter: 铁枝剪 Large cutting device used to cut wire, padlocks, bolts etc. Coat-hanger: 铁线衣架 Curved piece of metal, with a hook attached. Gas Pliers: 煤气管钳 Small pincers with long jaws, for bending wire, holding small objects, etc. Jemmy or jemmy-bar: 撬棍 Angled steel...

Most common indictable offences 最常见的可起诉罪行Reference: Vits LanguageLink Title of Source:Glossary of legal terms

Most common indictable offences 最常见的可起诉罪行 (Some of these may be heard in a Magistrates’ Court) Resisting Arrest (using firearm to resist or prevent Arrest):  武装拒捕 Abduction of person under 18 with intent to have sexual intercourse: 诱拐18岁以下未成年人, 意图进行性行为 Abortion:...

Australian Legal Terms 中英澳大利亚法律词汇

A Abduction: 劫持, 绑架; 诱拐 The action or an instance of forcibly taking a person or persons away against their will. 1. The wrongful taking or detaining of someone against that person’s will, for a specific purpose or with a specific intention. 2. The unlawful removal...

What is a Community Correction Order? 什么是社区矫正令?

What is a Community Correction Order?什么是社区矫正令?A Community correction Order (CCO) is a court-imposed order that allows you to serve your sentence in the community.社区矫正令(CCO)是指法庭发布的强制矫正令,允许你在社区内服刑。What are the terms of an order?矫正令规定的条款是什么?* Not commit a further...