Accredited community language:
You must have been accredited at the paraprofessional level or above for interpreting or translating in a language they offer accreditation in by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters.
Actively operating :
For a main business to be assessed as actively operating the applicant must provide evidence of business activity of a repetitive, continuous and permanent nature.
Adult Migrant English Language Program (AMEP)
The Adult Migrant English Language Program (AMEP) provides up to 510 hours of free English language tuition to eligible migrants from the skilled, family and humanitarian visa streams, to help them learn basic English to assist with their settlement in Australia. For further information about the AMEP, visit Adult Migrant English Program.
Adverse information:
Adverse information is unfavourable information that could impact on your suitability as an approved sponsor.
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Annual income:
Annual income means how much money you make in a year. See details on what you can include as an evidence of annual income.
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Evidence of your annual income could include a tax assessment notice showing the income you earned during a period ending less than 12 months before you submitted your visa application. For example, a tax assessment issued in December 2017 is acceptable evidence for a visa application you submit in July 2018.
The annual income you must demonstrate varies from visa to visa.
An applicant is a person who is applying for a visa or for citizenship.
Australian Agriculture visa:
Australian Agriculture Worker Programme-AAWP:
ABF (Australian Border Force):
Biometrics are features of your body that can be used to identify you. They include:
- fingerprints
- face structure (photos)
We might collect your biometrics during the application process.
Bogus documents:
A document that the Minister reasonably suspects is a document that:
- purports to have been, but was not, issued in respect of the person, or
- is counterfeit or has been altered by a person who does not have authority to do so, or
- was obtained because of a false or misleading statement, whether or not made knowingly
Business visitor activities:
A business visitor can:
- make general business or employment enquiries
- investigate, negotiate, sign or review a business contract
- undertake an activity as part of an official government visit
- take part in a conference, trade fair or seminar. The organisers cannot pay you to take part
Business visitors cannot:
- work for or provide services to a person, business or organisation
- sell goods or services to the public
Cap and cease:
Cap and cease means when a cap has been reached for a particular visa class:
- work on all applications which have not been processed to decision stops
- the files are closed
- application fees are refunded
These applications are treated as if they have not been submitted.
Capping and queueing:
Capping means a limited number of the visa will be granted each Migration Program year. Once we reach this number, no more visas will be granted that year.
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Migration Program planning levels for various migration streams and categories ensure the cap is not exceeded. The cap applies only for the Migration Program year in which it is introduced.
Under section 85 of the Migration Act 1958 (the Act), the Minister has the power to ‘cap’ or limit the number of visas which can be granted each Migration Program year in a particular visa subclass. The following visas are capped:
- Aged Dependent Relative (subclasses 114 and 838) visas
- Remaining Relative (subclasses 115 and 835) visas
- Carer (subclasses 116 and 836) visas
- Parent and Aged parent (subclass 103 and 804) visas
- permanent Contributory Parent (subclass 143) visas
- permanent Contributory Aged Parent (subclass 864) visas
- temporary Contributory Parent (subclass 173) visas
- temporary Contributory Aged Parent (subclass 884) visas
This means all Parent and Other Family visas are capped and queued.
We will continue to assess applications in strict lodgement date order.
Applications that meet the initial visa criteria are put in a queue until a place is available. When more places are available in the new Migration Program year, we will finalise applications in the queue.
The queue order is fixed. No application will be given priority ahead of another application.
All Contributory Parent visa applications lodged before 1 June 2018 have been given a queue date of the application lodgement date and applications lodged on or after 1 June 2018 will be assessed and given a queue date when it meets the initial visa criteria.
Certified copy:
公证书(Notarization certificate)
A certified copy is a copy of an original document that has been confirmed to be a true copy of the document by an authorised person. See in details.
Your child is your:
- biological child:亲生子女
- stepchild: 继子女
- adopted child:收养子女
COVID-19 International travel and exemption information:
Travel exemption:
De facto:
A de facto relationship is one where you and your partner are not legally married to each other but:
- you are committed to a shared life excluding all others
- your relationship is genuine and continuing
- you live together or do not live separately and apart on a permanent basis
- you are not related by family
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A de facto relationship can be with someone of the same or different sex.
Time you spent dating or in an online relationship does not count as being in a de facto relationship.
A dependant is:
- someone who has wholly or substantially relied on mostly you for a substantial period of time to meet their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter
- someone who has wholly or substantially relied on you for a substantial period of time for financial support because they can’t work due to a mental or physical disability
Dependent child:
Some visas allow you to include a dependent child in your application. See details to see if a child qualifies to be a dependent child.
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To be included as a dependent child in a visa application, a child must be:
your or your partner’s child from a current or previous relationship
- not married, engaged or in a de facto relationship
- wholly or substantially reliant on you for their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter
- under 18 years old
Dependent child over 18
To apply for a visa as a dependent child aged 18 years or older, they must be:
- dependent on you more than any other person for their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, or
- unable to work to support themselves because they have a disability that totally or partially affects their bodily or mental functions
If they are applying for a visa other than a protection, refugee and humanitarian or temporary safe haven visa, they are dependent on you if they wholly or substantially rely on you more than any other person for their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter.
If they are applying for a protection, refugee and humanitarian or temporary safe haven visa, they are dependent on you if they wholly or substantially rely on you for financial, physical or psychological support.
DNA testing:
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) testing compares genetic material from 2 or more people to see if they are biologically related. DNA test results can prove a biological relationship exists. For example, between a parent and child, or siblings. Usually genetic material from a mouth swab or blood sample is tested.
Eligible New Zealand citizen:
An eligible New Zealand citizen is:
- a New Zealand citizen who is a ‘protected SCV holder’ as described in Section 7 of the Social Security Act 1991
- Protected SCV holders are those who arrived in Australia on a New Zealand passport and were:
- in Australia on 26 February 2001, or
- in Australia for 12 months in the 2 years immediately before this date, or
- otherwise assessed as ‘protected SCV holders’ under the Social Security Act 1991 – in which case they must provide us with written confirmation from Centrelink.
Your employer is the person or an organisation that pays you to do work for them.
We identify employers by their Australian Business Number (ABN).
Clicking on the following links will update the content below.
False and misleading:
Information that is false or misleading in a material particular means information that is:
- false or misleading at the time it is given and
- relevant to any of the criteria the Minister may consider when making a decision on an application, whether or not the decision is made because of that information
Finally determined:
The meaning of finally determined depends on your merits review rights
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Non-Fast Track applicants
A protection visa application is finally determined when:
- the application was refused by the Department and the applicant did not seek merits review of that decision with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) within the period allowed to seek merits review; or
- the applicant sought merits review of the refusal decision and the AAT affirmed the decision to refuse to grant a protection visa.
Fast Track applicants
A protection visa application is finally determined when:
- the Immigration Assessment Authority (IAA) affirmed the decision to refuse to grant a protection visa
Excluded Fast Track applicants
A protection visa application is finally determined when:
- the applicant was refused a protection visa by the Department and the decision cannot be reviewed at the IAA because they are an excluded fast track applicant.
Former relationships:
A former relationship is a previous marriage or de facto partnership.
The HAP is a health case identifier (HAP ID) for eMedical, our electronic health processing system.
Immigration clearance:
When you arrive in Australia you will be in immigration clearance. Your identity and travel documents will be checked by a clearance authority as part of the immigration clearance process.
Once the clearance authority confirms your identity and that you hold a valid visa, you are formally allowed to enter Australia.
You might be refused entry to Australia if you don’t meet immigration clearance requirements.
Immigration detention:
We can detain you under the Migration Act 1958 if you are here unlawfully.
International surrogacy:
International surrogacy is an arrangement between commissioning parents in Australia and a surrogate mother who lives in an another country. :
Judicial review:
Judicial review is when a court reviews how a decision was made. This is to determine if there were any legal errors that could lead to the decision being invalid.
Long term relationship:
You are in a long term relationship when you lodged your application, if you had been with your partner for either:
- 3 years or more
- 2 years or more, and there is a dependent child from this relationship
Main business:
You can nominate a main business that you actively operate for profit by providing goods and services to the public. You must demonstrate an acceptable level of ownership in the business and direct involvement in its operations, you may also need to provide evidence of business turnover.
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A business is a main business in relation to an applicant for a visa if:
- the applicant has, or has had, an ownership interest in the business; and
- the applicant maintains, or has maintained, direct and continuous involvement in management of the business from day to day and in making decisions affecting the overall direction and performance of the business; and
- the value of the applicant’s ownership interest or the total value of the ownership interests of the applicant and the applicant’s spouse or de facto partner, in the business is or was:
- if the business is operated by a publicly listed company — at least 10% of the total value of the business; or
- if:
- the business is not operated by a publicly listed company; and
- the annual turnover of the business is at least AUD400 000; at least 30% of the total value of the business; or
- if:
- the business is not operated by a publicly listed company; and
- the annual turnover of the business is less than AUD400 000; at least 51% of the total value of the business; and
- the business is a qualifying business.
If an applicant has, or has had, an ownership interest in more than 1 qualifying business that would, except for this subregulation, be a main business in relation to the applicant, the applicant must not nominate more than 2 of those qualifying businesses as main businesses.
Medical treatment visa (subclass 602):
This temporary visa is for people to travel to Australia for medical treatment or to support someone needing medical treatment who holds or has applied for this visa.
Medical Officer of the Commonwealth:
A medical Officer of the Commonwealth (MOC) is a registered medical practitioner appointed by the Department of Home Affairs. They assess whether applicants meet the health requirements under the Migration Regulations 1994. They may work directly for the Department, or be employed by the Migration Medical Services Provider.
Members of the family unit
For visa purposes, you are a member of the main applicant’s family unit if you are:
- the main applicant’s spouse or de facto partner
- the main applicant’s child, or their partner’s child, who is not engaged, married or in a de facto relationship and is:
- aged under 18 years, or
- aged 18 to 23 years and dependent on the main applicant or the main applicant’s partner, or
- aged 23 years or older and dependent on the main applicant or the main applicant’s partner due to a partial or total physical or mental disability
- the dependent child of the child above
Migration Program year:
Australia’s Migration Program is set annually. The Migration Program year, like the Australian financial year, runs from 1 July to 30 June.
Near relative:
For remaining relative visas, your near relative is your:
- parent or step-parent
- partner’s parent or step-parent
- sibling or step-sibling
- child or stepchild who is 18 or older and not dependent on you
- child or stepchild who is under 18 and not in your or your partner’s daily care and control
We don’t consider how much contact you have with someone when we decide whether they are your near relative.
No further stay:
Offshore resource activities:
An offshore resource activity is linked to 2 pieces of legislation, the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 and the Offshore Minerals Act 1994. An operation or activity performed under either of these Acts is an offshore resources activity unless excluded by a determination made by the Minister.
Ordinarily resident:
Ordinarily resident is not the same as staying.
You can be considered to be ordinarily resident in Australia if, you have your home in Australia, and Australia is your country of your permanent home, even if you are temporarily absent from Australia.
You cannot be ordinarily resident in Australia if you are in Australia on a special or temporary visa.
Ownership interest:
Ownership interest in relation to a business, means an interest in the business as:
- a shareholder in a company that carries on the business, or
- a partner in a partnership that carries on the business, or
- the sole proprietor of the business including such an interest held indirectly through one or more interposed companies, partnerships or trusts
Panel clinic:
A panel clinic is a clinic that can conduct health examinations for Australian immigration purposes. Most panel clinics can take x-rays as well.
Find your nearest panel clinic at our locations.
Panel physician:
A panel physician is a doctor or radiologist the Australian Government has approved as a member of the immigration panel. Panel physicians perform health examinations for visa applicants who apply for a visa outside Australia.
Your partner is your spouse or de facto partner of the same or opposite sex. You can be:
- in a married relationship
- in a de facto relationship :同居关系
We will recognise only 1 partnership.
Permanent resident:
The definition of permanent resident varies for visa or citizenship purposes.
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Police certificates:
Police certificates are official documents issued by a nation’s law enforcement body.
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Priority resettlement country:
Work in progress
Public interest 4020:
Qualifying business:
Qualifying business means an enterprise that:
- is operated for the purpose of making profit through the provision of goods, services or goods and services (other than the provision of rental property) to the public; and
- is not operated primarily or substantially for the purpose of speculative or passive investment.
Recognised standard:
The meaning of recognised standard depends on the visa you are applying for.
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Your relative is:
- your partner, child, parent, brother, sister, stepchild, step-parent, stepbrother or stepsister
- your grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or step equivalent
Responsible parent:
Under the Australian Citizenship Act 2007, you are the responsible parent of a child if:
- you are the child’s parent, unless a Family Court order has removed your parental responsibility
- the child is to live with you under a parenting order, whether you are their parent or not
- you have parental responsibility for the child’s long-term or day-to-day care under a Family Court order, whether you are their parent or not
- you have sole or joint guardianship or custody of the child under an Australian or foreign law, including by adoption, operation of law, court order or otherwise.
Round trip cruise:
A round trip cruise is one that:
- starts and ends in Australia
- lasts up to 30 days
We consider you settled if you:
- have lived lawfully in Australia for a reasonable period (usually at least 2 years) and
- are an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen
In compassionate and compelling circumstances, we might consider Australian citizens to be settled after 3 months.
Your sibling is someone who has at least one parent in common with you.
Significant medical condition:
There are no diseases or health conditions that automatically mean you won’t meet the health requirement. However, the diseases which most commonly result in permanent visa applicants failing the health requirement are:
- intellectual impairment
- HIV infection
- functional impairment
- renal disease or failure
- cancer
A spouse is one of two people in a married relationship if they are married to each other under a marriage that is valid for the purposes of the Migration Act and:
- have a mutual commitment to a shared life excluding all others
- have a genuine and continuing relationship
- live together or don’t live separately and apart on a permanent basis
A stateless person is a person who is not considered a national by any state under the operation of its law.
A stepchild is the child of your current or former partner.
If the stepchild is the child of your former partner they must be under 18, and you must have either:
- an Australian parenting order that is in force, saying that you are to live with them and look after them
- guardianship or custody of the child under the law, Australian or otherwise
Subsequent entrant:
Some visas allow your eligible family members to apply to join you in Australia as subsequent entrants after you have been granted your visa.
Subsequent temporary application charge:
Some temporary visas attract a subsequent temporary application charge. It is in addition to any other visa charges you pay when you lodge your visa.
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Substantial criminal record:
A substantial criminal record is based on the length of a sentence imposed by a court of law.
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Substantive visa:
A substantive visa is any visa that allows the visa holder to remain temporarily in Australia other than:
- a bridging visa
- a criminal justice or enforcement visa
Usually resident:
- You are ‘usually resident’ at the place that you physically live (eat and sleep) and want to make your home.
Unlawful non-citizen:
Volunteer work:
Volunteer work is work that:
- is unpaid (you can be provided with meals, accommodation or out-of-pocket living expenses)
- would not otherwise be done by an Australian for pay
- is short term
- is incidental to your visit to Australia
- is done for a not-for-profit organisation
- benefits the community
volunteer departure:
resolution officer
resolution team:
Work is performing an activity in Australia a person would normally be remunerated for. This could be payment or some other form of reward.
These activities are not considered work:
- volunteer work
- doing work online for your job in your home country
- studying in a university outside Australia and the activity relates to your study and is credited to your course
- seeing how people work in an industry
- short-term domestic or caregiving activities for your family member
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